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3 Reasons That A Canopy Is A Good Idea For A Burial

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When you're preparing the details of a burial service that will follow the funeral service at a local funeral home, there are many details to take into consideration. One thing to think about is what things you'll rent for the burial. A canopy that will stand over the gravesite is a good option. Often, funeral homes have such items available for their clients, but you might also wish to rent one from a rental agency that provides tents, canopies, and similar products. Here are three reasons that renting a canopy for the burial service is a good idea.

1. It Protects The Family From Weather

While it's unlikely that everyone in attendance at the burial service will be able to fit beneath the canopy, it will provide protection for the immediate family members who will be around the grave site. During a summer burial, the heat from the sun can be stifling, and the fact that the family will often be dressed formally will make them even hotter. Children and the elderly, in particular, can often be more sensitive to heat, and the last thing you want is for someone to pass out from heat exhaustion. On a rainy day, the canopy can keep the immediate family dry.

2. It Provides Privacy

Privacy might not be something that you think about at a funeral, but it can be valuable in a number of scenarios that relate to the person who has passed away or the manner in which he or she died. If the person was noteworthy in the area, for example, you might not want media standing at the edge of the cemetery and taking photos or video footage. The canopy can provide some degree of privacy, and many canopies are equipped with fabric sides that you can roll down to further boost your privacy.

3. It May Prevent Burial-Related Challenges

One of the benefits of using a canopy is that it keeps the wind down. This isn't merely beneficial for your comfort — it can also prevent challenges with the burial. For example, if each person around the casket is throwing flower petals onto it, a lack of wind will prevent the petals from flying off and landing on the ground. Additionally, if people are tossing handfuls of dirty onto the casket, the protection that the canopy provides from the wind will prevent the dirt from potentially blowing onto people, rather than falling directly into the hole.

For more information, contact a company like DiPonzio Funeral Home Inc.
