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3 Steps To Take To Ensure You Will Be Cremated

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When you envision how you would like your final send-off to be someday, you may strongly dislike the idea of a traditional burial for personal reasons. Whatever your reasons may be, you are not alone. Cremation services are becoming increasingly popular, and they provide a lot of flexibility with memorial services and the timing when ashes are released or buried. Here are four steps you should consider if you want to ensure that you are cremated someday in the event of your death.

Tell Your Closest Loved Ones of Your Intentions

The first step in planning your cremation services will be talking it over with your loved ones. Ultimately, your final decisions are your own, but it is a good idea to talk to the people who are closest to you. Their insights may sway your decision or confirm that you are making the right choice.

Before telling your loved ones of this choice, you may want to make a list of all the things that made you decide on cremation instead of a traditional burial. Be specific and consider what questions or objections your loved ones are likely to pose. That way, you will be able to put their minds at ease or at least diplomatically argue with their points you don't see eye to eye on.  

Create a Written Plan and Leave it in a Designated Place

Write a detailed plan for your final plans and leave a few copies in specific, designated places. For example, you may wish to give three of your best friends a copy as well as a copy to your closest relative. That way, more than one person knows of your plans and has specific documentation on what you want for your cremation service.

Be as specific as possible. If you prefer to have your ashes scattered at your cremation service, be sure to state that in your plans. You should also state if you prefer to leave your ashes to a specific person. If you want to have your ashes buried, designate where they should be buried.

Set Aside Funds for the Cremation or Prepay for the Services

Cremation services can be a more budget-friendly choice than traditional funerals and burials. It will take a certain investment, though. If possible, you should set aside funds to pay for your cremation service in the event of your death, or you may opt to prepay for your cremation services if the funeral home offers that.

Finally, keep in mind that talking about death and final plans is a very healthy thing to do. You need to decide how you would wish to be treated in death so that you can relax and live life more fully. Once you have made your cremation service decisions, you can get back to enjoying your life with the peace of mind that your final plans will be honored. 

For more information, talk with a cremation service company, such as Final Care Cremation Services.
